About FeldenkraisĀ®
The Feldenkrais MethodĀ® of somatic awareness is a revolutionary approach to improving both physical and mental functioning. Through unique, enjoyable movements (in group classes) and gentle touch (in one-to-one sessions) you are guided to detect unnecessary tension and excess effort. You learn new ways to move and relate to yourself, thus getting free from unhealthy patterns that cause or maintain the problem.
Freedom of movement is essential for life and health, and reflects freedom of thought and feeling. Problem in one area affects the entire system, thus learning to use more of you in every function improves the function.
Founded in the 1940s by Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc., and martial artist, in response to his own crippling injury, the method involves innovative movement explorations done with curiosity and with non-judgmental attention to oneself. This creates a relaxed, meditative state in which change can happen. The movements stimulate brain/mind functioning as well as physical coordination, flexibility and strength. Slow, easy movements often lead to complex, active ones, which can be performed with ease and simplicity. The method has helped thousands of people around the world to overcome pain and movement limitations and achieve outstanding performance.